Sunday, 9 November 2008

Why I might not go back to 100% Vegan after my ankle heals...

Tonight's dinner was grilled cheese (provolone and cheddar) on sourdough. Heaven.

Though, may I say that I VASTLY prefer Earth Balance to butter or other spreads. I've been using it to make grilled/toasted vegan sandwiches for awhile now, and it makes a lovely, crispy crust that's not at all greasy, but not dry like toast, and just the littlest bit salty. Super yummy!

I'm trying to find balance in my diet, currently. I certainly won't go back to eating meat, but I found it very difficult (pretty much impossible, actually) to maintain a 100% vegan diet once my work/school life started back up and I sprained my ankle. At the same time, though, I've found myself having days where I have way too many animal products (really just dairy, as eggs have become completely unappetizing) and I feel sluggish and sick. I think I'm aiming for "mostly" vegan, with dairy thrown in here and there.

The ethical aspect of veganism is another consideration, since that was a large factor in my decision to go vegan. It's become a sort of balancing act, I suppose. I do feel bad about contributing to animal suffering, but I also don't want to get back into a situation where I'm lacking protein (which apparently turns me into an emotional wreck and makes me cry uncontrollably for days at a time). And, on a purely selfish note, going out to eat with friends is MUCH less stressful and more enjoyable when you're only worrying about eating a vegetarian––rather than a vegan––meal. Eating 100% vegan was kind of a cinch over the summer when I wasn't working or going to school and had plenty of time to devote to meal planning and making sure I was getting all I needed. That fell apart pretty quick, though, when I got a job -and- school started -and- I sprained my ankle all in the space of, um, five days. Meal planning and cooking is HUGELY time-consuming for me still, because I am not (yet) a skilled or confident cook. As that improves, though, and I become more comfortable with throwing meals together, I'm hoping to get back to mostly vegan, maybe even 100%.

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